Sree Mookambikai driving school

Course Details

course Image

Refreshment Course

Most of them learn car driving and leave it as it is for a long period due to some situations. Usually their mind may be blank for that certain period. They will think that, classes gone is waste but its not right, since its practical experience, its not erasable and will be feeded in mind. Once they sit in the car and re-cogonize, everything has got Remembered.

For this type of category, we offer this “Refreshment Course” – Classes will be conducted 5 Days, each classes duration will be 45 minutes and they can drive un-limited kilometres in Air-conditioned car. This is for the licence holder only.

Beginner’s Course

Most of the young chaps will have broaded mind, open to all, grasping power will be more, in such case, we can able to mould them easily, normally coaching time is less, So we are offering them 10 Days classes, each classes duration will be 45 minutes and they can drive un-limited Kilometres in Air-conditioned car.

Courses will be taken after applying LLR only and we will guide for the same.

Beginner’s Extended Course

Most of the peoples above 35 yrs can go for this course, since we can make the foundation strong since they may have lot of other tensions, to overcome that, in order to pick them up, we offer 15 Days classes., each classes duration will be 45 minutes and they can drive un-limited kilometres in Air-conditioned car.

Courses will be taken after applying LLR only and we will guide for the same.

Detailed Course

Some of them planned to drive Public service vehicle like passanger Auto, Call Taxi, or Light goods vehicle immediately after the classes. For them, we offer this classes. There will be 20 Days class, each class duration will be 45 minutes and they can drive un-limited kilometres in Air-conditioned car.

Courses will be taken after applying LLR.

Class Details

Theory classes

On-Road Practical

Simulator classes

Video and Demo Classes